You maintain account control and bank balances for a company. You have a $100,000 credit limit from a bank. You must prevent the bank account from going below the defined credit limit when a transaction is posted. You need to configure the bank account credit limit. What should you do? A. Add גˆ’$100,000 in the bank credit limit. B. Add $100,000 in the bank credit limit. C. Define a credit limit of $100,000 on the invoicing vendor account D. Set the Control Balance option to credit in the General ledger account associated with the bank account. Suggested Answer: A Set up a bank account credit limit (see step 7 below). Use the Bank accounts form to enter a valid bank account number, routing type, and routing number, and enter your cash credit or overdraft limit for payment transactions. 1. Click Cash and bank management > Common > Bank accounts. 2. Click Bank account to open the Bank accounts form. 3. In the Bank account field, enter the unique bank account number. Enter the name of the bank in the Name field. 4. In the Routing number type field, select the routing number type as FW, CP, or CH. 5. In the Routing number field, enter the routing number for the bank. The routing number is validated based on the routing type selected. 6. In the Bank account number field, enter a bank account number that contains 7 to 14 digits. 7. In the Credit limit field, enter the credit limit. This is a negative number. 8. Close the form to save your changes. Reference: This question is in MB-310 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance Exam For getting Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Finance Functional Consultant Associate Certificate Disclaimers: The website is not related to, affiliated with, endorsed or authorized by Microsoft. The website does not contain actual questions and answers from Microsoft's Certification Exams. Trademarks, certification & product names are used for reference only and belong to Microsoft.
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